Die Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals) sind politische Zielsetzungen der Vereinten Nationen, die der Sicherung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung auf ökonomischer, sozialer sowie ökologischer Ebene dienen sollen. Die SDGs gelten für alle Staaten.
Professor Dr. TANIMOTO von der Waseda Universität Tokyo wird in einem Vortrag in englischer Sprache folgenden Schwerpunkt setzen: „Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was adopted by the UN in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. 17 goals have specific targets to be achieved by 2010. Recently roles of business have been spotlighted for the goals to be achieved. Especially social entrepreneurship and social innovation are expected to contribute to a sustainable society. I will talk about SDGs, social entrepreneur, social business, and social innovation.” Kanji Tanimoto is Professor in Business and Society at the School of Commerce, Waseda University, Japan. Visiting Professor at the Free University of Berlin in 2010, 2014, and 2017. Prior to joining Waseda, he was a professor at the Graduate School of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University. He received his doctorate in business administration from Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University. He is Founder and President of “Japan Forum of Business and Society”, which is the first academic society in this field in Japan. He is an editorial member of some journals. He serves on the program committee of the International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility at Humboldt University. He has been consulting and providing advices to leading Japanese companies on CSR management over the last 20 years. He also has engaged some government committees on business & society and social business. His research interests are the relationship between business and society, corporate social responsibility, social business and social innovation. He has published numerous books and papers. http://tanimoto-office.jp
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